Meeting with Teplohim JSC members in the framework of the report of the Borisoglebsk local branch of the United Russia Party for 2022
On December 8, 2022, a meeting was held on the territory of Teplohim JSC within the framework of the report of the Borisoglebsk local branch of the United Russia Party for 2022, which was attended by employees of the enterprise, Deputy General Director for Supply and Sales Nedorezov K.L. (concurrently a deputy of Borisoglebsk city district and deputy secretary of the Borisoglebsk local branch of the United Russia Party). As a guest, Sitnikova N.V., Deputy Head of Borisoglebsk city district Administration for Economics and Agriculture, was invited.
At the meeting, the members of Teplohim JSC were informed about the interaction between the population, deputies and the city administration. The employees asked questions related to the repair of roads, isolation of stray dogs and the quality of drinking water. They received exhaustive answers. One of the key topics that were touched upon at this meeting is the organization of Territorial Public Self–Government Organization. Its creation will allow to attract additional funds from the higher regional budget to solve local problems and implement projects of the initiative part of citizens.