Home Our news Presentation of letters of gratitude to the BGO Administration

Presentation of letters of gratitude to the BGO Administration

So many people work for the benefit of our beloved city, for its prosperity, comfort, and prosperity. And of course, these achievements should be noted. Unfortunately, the time frame of the official ceremonial part of the city day celebration could not allow us to celebrate everyone involved in the glory of our small Motherland, but if there is not enough time, it does not mean that there will not be enough attention. Therefore, JSC Teplohim received letters of gratitude from the Administration of the Borisoglebsk Urban District for individual employees of the enterprise, whose professionalism and hard work are worth special mention, whose golden hands and hearts can serve as an example for others.

And on May 24, a ceremonial presentation of these awards took place in the assembly hall of the enterprise.

Letters of gratitude and certificates of honor from the BGO Administration for conscientious work and personal contribution to the development of the district were presented by the General Director of Teplohim JSC Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Kolomiets:

Deputy Head of the Technical Control Department Pavel Aleksandrovich Sinebabnov,

To the cleaner of industrial premises, Elena Georgievna Fedorova,

Milling operator Alexey Alekseevich Kashaev,

Technician-economist Natalia Alekseevna Bokova,

Design engineer Mikhail Alekseevich Popov.

And the unanimous applause of colleagues once again confirmed that these awards were deserved.