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News from the front

Most recently, at a meeting of the plant staff with a participant in a special military operation, Mikhail, and the founder of the volunteer association “Aid Army Z”, Dasha Belyaeva, a drone was handed over to the soldiers. That day, Mikhail specially visited JSC Teplohim to personally express gratitude for the help provided by the company and tell us all how important and valuable there is, behind the ribbon, humanitarian aid, warm news from home – symbols of people’s support, our common unity along the way to victory.

And just yesterday, on the telegram channel of the Help Army Z, Dasha also published a video with gratitude from the soldiers who had already received a “birdie”; now she is helping the guys perform combat missions.

Such video greetings always evoke mixed feelings of warmth and bitterness. But they always strengthen our sense of unity, cohesion, the desire to help more and more often, to be that indestructible shoulder and rear for our guys, our defenders.

Take care of yourself, boys! We are with you!

And there will definitely be Victory! And it will definitely follow us!