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Be inspired to do good

The volunteer association “Help Army Z” operating in our city has been organizing collections of humanitarian supplies for the SVO participants for many months. But collecting the cargo is not enough, it still needs to be delivered to the guys. And the founder of the association – Daria Belyaeva – a small courageous woman herself gets behind the wheel and goes to the farthest frontiers to deliver the necessary things for the soldiers and such necessary warm news from home.

She is always in touch, even if she is on the road. And as soon as one need is satisfied, two new ones come to replace it. And that means, “into battle” again.

And now “Help Army Z” is collecting funds to purchase an ATV for the medical unit that is evacuating the wounded, and this need is due to a vital necessity. This equipment will become an indispensable assistant for doctors, allowing them to quickly get to the most remote and hard-to-reach places in difficult terrain, where every minute can be decisive, to give another chance to save lives.

And this collection is held with enthusiasm, everyone here can make their contribution – some with money, some just share information about the project with others. JSC Teplokhim also did not stand aside: the plant workers collected funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles, which we handed over to Daria today.

And Dasha did not come to us empty-handed: she brought a letter from the commander of the military unit, in which he expresses sincere gratitude to the management and the entire staff of JSC Teplokhim for our civic position and comprehensive support for the military personnel, our reliable guardians of peace.

As always, we talked with Daria for a whole hour, the words flowed by themselves: about the guys, about difficulties, about losses, about small joys and victories. And each time you involuntarily become even more infected with her ardent desire to be with the guys shoulder to shoulder, to support. And just like that, every time you admire and are inspired by her passion and dedication, and you understand more acutely that only by joining forces will we achieve our goal.

Be inspired to do good!