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Victory Knots

Modern realities pose more and more new challenges to us. But our, let’s say, civil challenges are nothing compared to the difficulties that our soldiers overcome every day and every hour, stubbornly and courageously standing guard over our common world.

We grumble that we have to get up early and go to work, that we need shoes for the winter again, that it’s raining again, that eggs and buckwheat have become more expensive in the store, we get upset if our child gets a bad grade at school, there is a conflict at work… But we should be ashamed of these thoughts, just thinking about what our guys are going through now in the contact zone, under shelling, under the incessant roar of drones and planes, with the risk of looking death itself in the eye every second, in any weather without breaks or days off. And every day we here at home have the opportunity to hug our loved ones, even in the darkest hour to feel the love and care of our family, to communicate with friends, to laugh, to eat delicious food, to sleep in soft beds. But our soldiers do not have this opportunity now. And we have it only because they are here!

And that is why we should not forget about what is happening for a day or an hour, to abstract ourselves, trying to protect our own peace, to bury our heads in the sand, thinking that if I do not see it, then it does not exist. No, we must become a grateful and reliable rear for our defenders, remember our inseparable involvement in our common, albeit difficult, path to Victory, do at least something, even that which sometimes seems too small and insignificant to us. But it is the drops that make up the ocean itself, and even the small efforts of many people can turn into a whole sea of ​​warmth, help, support, a sea whose waves will certainly carry us to the light.

And today is a significant day at our enterprise – for exactly one year we have been combining our efforts to weave camouflage nets for our guys, having managed to increase not only productivity but also the range of support provided to the guys. During this year, we have managed to transfer 253 nets to the SVO zone, which is 4,554 square meters hidden from the enemy’s eyes, 32 camouflage ponchos, 131 pairs of socks, 6,265 sets of dry army showers.

Every day, small knots are woven – with a smile, hope, warmth, prayer. And it is dear to realize the fact that those who tied the very first timid ribbons here faithfully continue their work to this day, and that the number of this sewing battalion continues to grow. That our factory workers do not spend their free time wandering around the Internet or carefree chatting, but come to the net weaving section, of which there are now two at the enterprise, to spend this time usefully, they come not only out of a sense of duty, but at the very call of their hearts.

And we are sure that these hands will not give up! Because for all of us, net weaving, this seemingly simple tying of knots and stretching of ribbons, is a real symbol of deep devotion, respect and unity for those guys who are now guarding our world. And it is also a bright and so warming hope that these nets will be able to save someone’s life. And our hands will rest only when they can hug all our guys who have finally returned home to their families, tired but happy – with Victory!