Home Our news Learn from the best: visit of Teplohim JSC to KEAZ JSC

Learn from the best: visit of Teplohim JSC to KEAZ JSC

The production of heat exchange equipment is a complex and multi-level process, where the final result depends on a number of factors related to external and internal suppliers, the capabilities of the production park, personnel issues and many others.

Having a deep interest in minimizing production losses, improving the quality of products and reducing production times, in April 2022 Teplohim JSC became a participant in the national project “Labor Productivity”, which is designed to help enterprises debug work processes and make the most of existing potential.

And at the first stage of the project, we set out on this difficult path of finding and eliminating losses and problems together with the Regional Competence Center, whose experts already have enormous experience in solving production problems and a significant portfolio of completed projects.

New knowledge and experience helped us see production processes from a new angle and outline further steps and goals on the thorny path of improvement.

Of course, a lot has changed at the enterprise during our participation in the project. But we continue to change and learn. And you should always learn from the best!

Thus, thanks to the support of the RCC, on May 23, the delegation of Teplohim JSC, consisting of commercial director Konstantin Leonidovich Nedorezov and shop technologist Sergei Viktorovich Vavilov, arrived at Kursk Electrical Apparatus Plant JSC.

KEAZ JSC joined the national project “Increasing labor productivity and supporting employment” in 2020, while certain elements of lean production have been introduced since 2014. And from the very first stages, the company set ambitious goals for itself: to increase productivity by 30% by 2024 and avoid losses that do not bring added value to the product.

And today this company is ready to share its experience and tell how to increase labor productivity, as well as motivate each of its employees to achieve effective results.

The meeting was very cordial; it seemed that all the doors of the plant were open to our representatives. And it’s clear right from the start that KEAZ JSC has something to tell and show, and with confident pride.

During the visit, our delegation was able to get acquainted with the work of the plant, see how lean manufacturing methods are applied in practice, ask questions to specialists and receive valuable advice. We are convinced that lean manufacturing and the 5C system really help to increase the efficiency of an enterprise, reduce costs and improve product quality.

We thank our colleagues for their hospitality and openness in sharing experiences. We are confident that he will help us introduce new approaches to managing our enterprise and achieve even greater success in the future. But this meeting is given special value by the fact that representatives of KEAZ JSC were not only able to share their experience, but also managed to literally inspire the participants of our delegation. They returned not only with new ideas and knowledge, but also with the desire and impatience to apply them.