Home Our news Table tennis tournament

Table tennis tournament

As part of the year-round Spartakiad of physical culture teams of enterprises and institutions of the Borisoglebsk urban district, a table tennis tournament was held on June 2, 2024 at the Borisoglebsk Sports School.

And it was a real celebration of sports and team spirit. Each player on the team demonstrated the highest level of skill and incredible will to win, every racket hit was filled with strength and confidence.

Our team overcame all the obstacles encountered along the way. They did not give up in the face of difficulties and professionalism of their opponents and continued to fight until the end. They didn’t just play for the team, they embodied the spirit of our enterprise itself!

That’s why “Teplokhim” snatched the gold cup of the tournament in this fight!

Based on the results of the game:

I – “Teplokhim”

II – “Teachers”

III – “Voronezh-45”

It was truly an impressive sight!

We are proud of our team and their next victory! We wish you inexhaustible energy, optimism and success, both in sports and in life!