Home Our news Let's save the forest together

Let’s save the forest together

On April 12, 2024, employees of Teplohim JSC joined the all-Russian action “Save the Forest”.

The organizer of the action in our city, the Tellerman branch of Forest Protection, invited everyone to participate in the restoration of the forest on the site of the 2020 fire. Then the fire destroyed more than 170 hectares of pine forest.

Early in the morning, the ecological landing party of Teplohim JSC landed on the outskirts of the forest in the South-Eastern microdistrict of the city, where, after a short hike to the Forest Guard base, they were put on an all-terrain vehicle and taken to the work site.

The organizers of the event provided tools, gave the children seedlings and showed them how to plant pine trees correctly. And the work began to boil.

Under the gentle spring sun, with caring hands, young trees, future guardians of green spaces, were carefully laid in the ground. People’s hands became a tool connecting humanity with nature, conveying their care and love to it.

After a few hours of work, our team could look with warmth and pride at their labor creation – a small corner of the forest that they created together.

And in order to restore strength after a hard day, JSC Teplohim organized a treat in the fresh air for its environmental activists: pizza, juices, a spring forest, clean and intoxicating air, saturated with the spirit of pine, smiles, laughter… This day became a real good adventure for the guys .

Planting a forest has become not only a symbol of caring for nature, but also the unity of people in the desire to preserve the beauty and richness of the surrounding world. And as long as this forest grows, the hope that humanity can make the world a better place will live in it, one tree at a time.