Home Our news Festive drawing for Victory Day

Festive drawing for Victory Day

Very soon we will celebrate our most important and sacred holiday – May 9 – Victory Day! A holiday of great feats, a symbol of our glorious past and worthy future.

We will never forget at what cost our people got this victory, how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved, cherished and defended their Motherland.

This is the day when we remember the feat of our soldiers and the entire people, this is the memory of thousands of lives given for freedom, our lives, for peace!

In honor of the holiday, we are announcing our next drawing. And it’s symbolic that this time our partner in it is the MIR interior solutions store! 7 certificates with a nominal value of 3,000 rubles will be drawn as prizes. The results will be summed up on May 9 at 15:00.

Join our Teplohim JSC VKontakte community and become one of the 7 lucky ones!

Source links: https://vk.com/wall-221960816_5070