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Heart to Heart


On May 28, our company donated radio stations to the Z Assistance Army for our defenders, and today Dasha Belyaeva sent us a touching video greeting from the military personnel of the parachute division, who received our news from home.

By providing assistance to participants in a special military operation, we want, first of all, to make our guys feel our shoulder and support, but what an amazing way the cheerful, courageous male voices in this short video act on ourselves: and we already feel the reliable backs of our guys , our bursting pride for them and unshakable confidence in victory! This is the very connection that has eternally united our people.

We know that every day you risk your lives for the sake of our country, you stand guard over peace and tranquility. Hang in there guys, we are with you! Strength of spirit to you, perseverance and faith in your strength!