Home Our news Results of the regional competition “Press Service - Communications Industry”

Results of the regional competition “Press Service – Communications Industry”

June 14 in the conference hall of the Business Incubator named after. Professor Yu.B. Borisov held an award ceremony for the winners of the open regional competition “Press Service – Communications Industry” among enterprises in the real sector of the economy of the Voronezh region. The event was organized by Voronezh State Technical University and the Industrial News newspaper. The competition is held with the support of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Region and the regional association of the Union of Mechanical Engineers.

The “Press Service – Communications Industry” competition is held with the aim of strengthening the professionalism of specialists from press services and public relations departments of enterprises by identifying the most successful practices aimed at increasing the reputation of enterprises, as well as to identify the best projects, effective technologies and tools in the field information and communication support for enterprise activities.

The event is being held for the second year and the organizers noted a noticeable increase in the number of participants, as well as the high level of projects presented. Among the winners are such companies as LLC Sintez-Oil, JSC Concern Sozvezdie, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region, JSC MGK INTEHROS, PJSC IL – VASO, JSC Scientific Research Institute of Electronic Technology , GC “AGROECO” and others. And it was all the more valuable to stand with them on the same pedestal of Teplohim JSC, which was awarded the title of winner in the Social and Environmental Initiative category!

Success in the “Press Service – Communications Industry” competition became for us not only a reason for pride, but also an incentive for further development. In the modern world, the importance of communications and information support cannot be overestimated. Getting to know professionals in their field, their projects and approaches to work enriched our experience and gave us new ideas. It is important that the competition brought together representatives of various industries, creating a platform for exchanging best practices and strengthening professional connections.

All winners and diploma holders of the competition received prizes from the organizers and original gifts from the project partners, which was a pleasant bonus to the joy of victory.

And at the end of the ceremony, those gathered congratulated the editorial office of the Industrial News newspaper, which turned 20 years old!

– All these years we have honestly tried to glorify Voronezh manufacturers and support them. We were with our enterprises in both difficult and joyful moments, defending their interests if required. 20 years flew by unnoticed. I hope the next ones will be just as eventful and fruitful. Industrial news – success with us! – summed up the editor-in-chief of the publication Valentina Terteryan.

We thank the organizers of the competition for this opportunity to meet so many talented and enthusiastic people, evaluate our strengths, exchange experiences and ideas, and perhaps make ambitious plans for the future. And I would like to say a special thank you for the amazingly warm and friendly atmosphere throughout the entire event, where everyone was given attention and made to feel like a welcome guest and an equal among the best.

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