Home Our news Cleanliness as a habit: employees of JSC Teplokhim took part in a clean-up day

Cleanliness as a habit: employees of JSC Teplokhim took part in a clean-up day

On October 11, as part of the city’s beautification month, employees of JSC Teplokhim took part in a clean-up day. The plant workers gathered at the checkpoint, full of enthusiasm and energy. The weather was fine, and the light breeze that day only added to the overall cheerfulness.

During the clean-up day, both the internal and adjacent areas of the plant, as well as the assigned public areas, were cleaned. And by the end of the clean-up, everyone could evaluate the results of their work, taking with them not only a sense of accomplishment, but also a charge of positive emotions from working together.

And we understand that caring for the environment is the key to health and well-being. Therefore, it is important to maintain order not only during campaigns, but also in everyday life. After all, cleanliness is not just the absence of garbage, it is a culture that we form every day.