Home Catalog Air cooling units Air cooling units of block-modular type with recirculation of heated air
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Air cooling units of block-modular type with recirculation of heated air

These units are designed for condensation and cooling of vaporous, gaseous and liquid media in the technological processes of oil refining, petrochemical and related industries. In order to prevent overcooling of the product, the device is equipped with a heated air recirculation unit.

The device is supplied in two blocks (section block and fan block) in full factory readiness and does not require prior assembly at the installation site.
The apparatus consists of one heat exchange section with welded one-piece chambers. Sections are located horizontally and are mounted on a metal supporting structure.

Type of climatic version of devices UHL and T.

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Коэффициент оребрения труб 9, 20
Условное давление, МПа (кгс/см²) 0,6(6); 1,6(16); 2,5(25); 4,0(40); 6,3(63)
Количество теплообменных секций 1
Число рядов труб в секции 3, 4, 5, 6
Длина труб, м 4, 8,12
Поверхность теплообмена, м² 322 – 3696
Диаметр колеса вентилятора, мм 2250
тип тихоходный
мощность, кВт 13, 15
количество 1, 2, 3
Материальное исполнение углеродистая сталь, нержавеющая сталь, латунь
