Home Our news Boxing tournament in the name of the holy faithful princes Boris and Gleb

Boxing tournament in the name of the holy faithful princes Boris and Gleb

On September 13, 2024, the opening of the boxing tournament in the name of the holy faithful princes Boris and Gleb took place at the Borisoglebsky sports complex. It has been organized for several years by the Borisoglebsk diocese and the ANO “Sports club of boxing and kickboxing RATIBOR”.

The sporting event was opened by the dean of the Borisoglebsk Church District, Archpriest Nikolai Popov, and the person responsible for physical culture and sports in the Borisoglebsk diocese, Priest Igor Semenov, who performed a prayer service “Before the beginning of every good deed”: the participants of the tournament were sprinkled with holy water and each of the athletes was given an icon with the image of the holy princes as a blessing.

Bishop of Borisoglebsk and Buturlinovo Sergiy and invited guests of honor, including Konstantin Leonidovich Nedorezov, Commercial Director of JSC Teplokhim, addressed the participants of the tournament with a welcoming speech.

And after the grand opening, the boxing tournament itself started, in which this year athletes from the Voronezh, Saratov and Tambov regions took part. All the fights were bright, spectacular and exciting, and the athletes fully demonstrated their skill, will, and in some places, a good greed for victory.

And for the assistance in organizing the tournament, the Ratibor sports club presented JSC Teplokhim with a letter of thanks and a statuette of an infectiously smiling boxer cat, whose appearance seems to remind us all that good should also come with fists.

Source links: https://bsk-eparhia.ru/novosti/torzhestvennoe-otkrytie-turnira-po-boksu-posvjashhennogo-pokroviteljam-g-borisoglebska-svjatym-blagovernym-knjazjam-borisu-i-glebu/