Home Our news Football tournament "For a sober city"

Football tournament “For a sober city”

On September 11, the football tournament “For a Sober City”, which has already become traditional for our city, was held at the stadium of the sports complex “Borisoglebsky”, timed to coincide with the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. This event is annually organized by the Department for the Promotion of Sobriety and Combating Drug Abuse and Alcoholism of the Borisoglebsk Diocese together with the MBU DO BGO “Borisoglebsk Sports School”.

This year, the football match brought together teams from Borisoglebsk: “Teplokhim”, “Znamya” of the Borisoglebsk Diocese, “Kristall-MEZ” and the “Juvenal” team.

And according to the results of the competition, the winners of the football tournament “For a Sober City” were the team of the Borisoglebsk Diocese “Znamya”, and the team “Teplokhim” received bronze in the tournament!

Congratulations to our athletes! And may a healthy lifestyle and never-fading youthful passion bring you many new victories, both in sports and in life!

Source links: https://bloknotborisoglebsk.ru/news/neobychnyy-futbolnyy-turnir-sostoyalsya-v-borisogl-1772581